he's so great, his last ppt slides almost moved me to tears:)

"what you did for the past four months has affected you for the next four months"
"Plan A-Plan B=ALVLS results"
"aim:to get into a university that you want,get into a faculty you want,get into the course you want"
"vision: rid distractions,different perspectives/angles,get a wider picture"
"to create is to destroy some things"
"skill=natural talent+discipline+determination"
"practice makes permanent"
"without a belief, there's aint any purpose"
"we cannot choose to do what we like,but we can choose to like what we do"
"not exchanging the permanent for the temporary"

does all these motivates you?
it do, at least to me at that moment.
i hope this motivation bears in my mind for as long as that major examination is not here yet.
it all sound so do-able at that instant, but we tend to lose that drive and confidence overtime.
its when all these words fade off in our minds.
how many motivational talks have we sat through?
&how many have we remembered?

work hard everybody, this is the last battle.
there's no other way out other than getting our asses into damn universities.

'Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
Break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you and your dreams'
