reflection on life, yet again.

"whats wrong with my eyes?" is the question i heard for the last second from sardine.
and "hummingbird heartbeat" is playing now.

what happened to my eyes??
so often; so very often i remind myself not to indulge in such tangling emotional case.
its very vexing when things dont go the way you want it to be.
your heart dont really follow what your mind tells you.
and it becomes really vexing.
ultra max frustrating.
and then you know you got not much choice to harbour any thing else anymore.
and it becomes annoying yet again.
i dont know what to think anymore.

but im spending(or maybe wasting)time thinking about this matter right now.
i dont wanna know any excuses anymore.
he's busy,he's not ready,he's unprepared.

then again, why should i effing care.
why should i?
tell me.

tell me what to do to forget the whole you.

P/S. i didnt want to be there in the first place yesterday. i didnt even want to get outrageously high profile.
i didnt want that.
